Mind Into Motion with Gretchen Gegg

Welcome to The MiMo Method, where we revolutionize the way you approach your health and wellness journey! If this is your first time here, get ready for an exhilarating experience that will transform your mind and body.

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Monday Nov 06, 2023

Welcome to the NEW podcast by Gretchen Gegg. We are going to address mental wellness HEAD ON (pun intended) by addressing how our mind is the most important tool in change. If you want to learn to live your life the way you envision it, learn how to put your Mind Into MOtion! Visit www.GretchenGegg.com to learn more.

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023

Revolutionize your approach to mental health coaching. Explore the realm of body freedom and its profound impact on well-being. Learn how to empower your clients for lasting mental health transformations. Elevate your coaching journey today. Register to be a part of PART 3 for free here: https://www.gretchengegg.com/event Or get information on joining Gretchen's mastermind: https://www.gretchengegg.com/annualcoaching 

Monday Aug 28, 2023

Lay the foundation for your business triumph with essential strategies for growth. Plus, embark on a personal wellness journey with a complimentary assessment to jumpstart your well-being. Elevate your coaching journey today. Register to be a part of PART 2 for free here: https://www.gretchengegg.com/event Or get information on joining Gretchen's mastermind: https://www.gretchengegg.com/annualcoaching

Wednesday Aug 16, 2023

Get ready for an electrifying episode, as we unravel the secret sauce that can skyrocket your coaching business! We're diving into the thrilling world of consistency. No for real…this is good stuff! Ever wondered how many touches it takes to turn potential clients into devoted fans? We've got the magic number, and it's a game-changer! But wait, there's a twist: the law of diminishing returns plays an integral part, revealing when less can be more. Discover how to provide value, personalize your approach, and navigate the social media maze to build authentic connections. Join us for an adrenaline-pumping ride, filled with insights that'll turbocharge your coaching journey! 🔥

Monday Aug 07, 2023

In this episode, we delve into the world of virtual businesses and explore why treating your online venture like a brick-and-mortar establishment can lead to maximum traction and success. We discuss the importance of consistency, setting business hours, utilizing available tools to ease the shopping experience, and reframing the notion of overhead. Join us as we uncover the secrets to thriving in the virtual marketplace. Looking for the link to sign up for FREE group coaching in the Amplify Your Influence series? Go here www.GretchenGegg.com/event

Tuesday Aug 01, 2023

In this episode of The Life Coach Lifeline, we delve into the three transformative phases of coaching evolution, equipping you with valuable insights to grow and succeed in your Coaching Journey. Whether you're just starting or looking to take your coaching business to the next level, understanding these phases will pave the way for your success. Want to work with Gretchen one and one as well as join in her mastermind of professional coaches? Schedule your call today at www.GretchenGegg.com/annualcoaching to see if this is a good fit for you.

Tuesday Jul 25, 2023

Get ready for a mind-blowing episode where we dive deep into the world of motivation techniques for clients from different generations. From the wise and resilient Gen Xers to the purpose-driven Millennials and the tech-savvy Gen Z, this episode will unlock the secrets to unleashing their full potential! Want to work with Gretchen one and one as well as join in her mastermind of professional coaches? Schedule your call today at www.GretchenGegg.com/annualcoaching to see if this is a good fit for you.

Tuesday Jul 04, 2023

As women, we sometimes struggle with self-doubt and imposter syndrome, questioning our abilities and worthiness. A coach who understands these feelings can provide tailored guidance to help boost our self-belief, encourage us to step outside our comfort zones, and embrace our unique strengths and perspectives. Learn the three things you need to know before hiring a coach. Interested in joining the Elite Coaching & Mastermind? Schedule a call to see if it is a good fit today at www.gretchengegg.com/annualcoaching

Monday Jun 05, 2023

Do you attend webinars, read books or listen to podcasts to make yourself better at business and life? If so, you might be wasting your time. Even if you end up with 50 pages of notes. It could still be a waste of time! You won't know unless you look for these 3 things. Learn the secrets behind why my clients learn fast with less time spent listening to all the things. Check out more information on the Elite Coaching & Mastermind at https://www.gretchengegg.com/annualcoaching

Thursday Jun 01, 2023

What if the thing that is slowing you down is hidden in your desire for ease in your life and business? We explore this idea in a 3 part series on the Art of Discomfort! - In Part 3, Gretchen gives you some real life examples on what you might learn by doing a misogi. You might not succeed...but you won't die!

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